In regards to Pixel Art, I'd love to, but I like the direction you're goin' in.
If anything jumps out at me, I'll let you know.
The only thing I can really say is to experiment with different art forms as it can sometimes lead you to improve in familiar areas.
But you already seem to be doing that, so I'm not sure how helpful that advice is.
Other than that, if you're looking to cut down on your Color Count, I'd say look into and practice some Color Utility.
In regards to Pixel Art, I'd love to, but I like the direction you're goin' in.
If anything jumps out at me, I'll let you know.
The only thing I can really say is to experiment with different art forms as it can sometimes lead you to improve in familiar areas.
But you already seem to be doing that, so I'm not sure how helpful that advice is.
Other than that, if you're looking to cut down on your Color Count, I'd say look into and practice some Color Utility.
thanks MalFromed for the reply, ill definitely look into colour utility.
I think personally my largest area of struggle right now is perspective.